Township/Range Plats

The hierarchy of Township Range is a system used to identify and locate specific areas of land within the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) in the United States. The PLSS was established by the U.S. government in the late 1700s to survey and divide public lands in the western states into a grid-like pattern.

Under this system, land is divided into six-mile square townships, which are further divided into 36 one-mile square sections. Each township is identified by its position relative to two principal meridians (north-south lines) and a base line (east-west line). The meridians and base line serve as reference points for identifying the location of townships.

The Township Range hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Principal Meridian: A north-south line that serves as the reference point for identifying the location of townships.
  2. Base Line: An east-west line that serves as another reference point for identifying the location of townships.
  3. Range: The distance between a principal meridian and a range line. Ranges are typically six miles wide and run north-south.
  4. Township: A six-mile square area of land that is located within the intersection of a principal meridian and a base line. Each township is further divided into 36 one-mile square sections.
  5. Section: A one-mile square area of land within a township. Sections are numbered from 1 to 36, starting in the northeast corner and moving west to east and then south to north.
6 5 4 3 2 1
7 8 9 10 11 12
18 17 16 15 14 13
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25
31 32 33 34 35 36

Sections can be divided into quarter sections of 160 acres , named by intercardinal direction (northwest, northeast, etc.). For instance, the southwest quarter of a section is named SW 1/4

Section 20


Sections can be further broken up into 40-acre (16 ha) blocks, or quarter-quarter sections. These add a second intercardinal direction label.

Section 20 NW 1/4


For instance, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter section mentioned above is labeled SE 1/4, NW 1/4


The Township Range system is widely used by government agencies, surveyors, and other organizations to identify and locate specific areas of land within the PLSS. It is also used in legal descriptions of land ownership and in property records.

PLSS locations covering the Saval allotment.  

T25N R39E – McCoy

T25N R40E – Home Station gap

T26N R37E – Old Man Canyon

T26N R38E – Seven Devils, Little McCoy

T26N R39E – McCoy

T26N R40E – Home Station

T26N R41E – under construction

T26N R42E – under construction

T27N R37E – McKinney Pass

T27N R38E – Paris ranch

T27N R39E Indian Spring

T27N R40E – Jersey

T27N R41E – Daisy, Cow Creek, Cottonwood

T27N R42E – under construction


T28N R40E – Jersey Summit/Esparza

T28N R41E – Mouth Of Daisy

T28N R42E – Gilman

T29N R39E – Cottonwood, Bushee creek

T29N R40E – Buffalo Ranch, Anderson

T29N R41E Big Meadow

T29N R42E – Electric Well

T30N R39E – Coyote spring

T30N R40E – Frank Helen

T30N R41E – Lost Windmill

T30N R42E Picket Well

T31N R39E

T31N R40E Hoffman

T31N R41E Cherry Creek

T31N R42E Mill Well Windmill

T32N R39E – Santa Fe Railroad

T32N R40E Top Spring

T32N R41E near Smeltzers

T32N R42E Mill Spring

T33N R41E under construction

T33N R42E under construction