- A 2017 Nevada Centennial Award winner!
- About
- Contact
- CoOps
- History
- History – land/people
- JSCo. Allotment
- AMP Use Areas
- Brands
- Maps
- Pastures
- Places
- Cabins
- Canyons
- Blue Lead Canyon
- Butcher Canyon
- Canyons North of Buffalo Ranch on the Tobins
- Cedar Canyon
- Copper Canyon
- Dailey Canyon
- Daisy Canyon and Stream
- Dry Canyon
- Flag Canyon (Pollard Canyon)
- Frank Helen Canyon
- Hoffman Canyon
- Jersey Canyon
- Lee Canyon
- Little Water Canyon
- Lone Canyon
- Mill Canyon
- Morning view Canyon
- North Fork Butcher Canyon
- North Hog Canyon
- Old Man Canyon
- Old Man Canyon
- Rocky Canyon
- South Hog Canyon
- Timber Canyon
- Trail Canyon
- Trail Canyon
- Water Canyon
- Wild Range Canyon
- Willow Canyon
- Wood Canyon
- Jersey Valley Water
- Mines
- Mountains, Passes, Basins, and Washes
- Augusta Mountains
- Buffalo Mountain
- Cain Mountain
- China Mountain
- Cottonwood Basin
- Cottonwood Pass
- Daisy Pass
- Fish Creek Basin
- Fish Creek Mountains
- Golconda Pass
- Home Station Wash
- Jersey Summit
- Jersey Wash
- Mt Moses
- Mt Tobin
- Needle Peak
- Pinnacle Mountain
- Smelser Pass
- Sou Hills
- Squaw Tit (Native American Mammary Gland)
- Points Of Interest
- Ranches/Homesteads
- Properties
- Range line Agreements
- Range Division Lines Between Buffalo Valley – Pleasant Valley
- Range Line Agreement Between Pumpernickle and Bufflo Valley Units
- Range Line Agreement Between Saval Allotment and Copper Canyon
- Range Line Agreement dividing South Buffalo Valley
- Range Line Agreement For North Buffalo
- Recommendation On Grazing Allotments In Buffalo Valley
- Township/Range Plats
- Florence McCoy Land Patent 793554
- Glenn Shaw, Marx Law Land Patent 27-66-0077
- Indian Spring
- Jersey base
- Leslie Matheson, Jay Farmer Land Patent 27-67-0068
- Melvin McCoy Land Patent 1050214
- Nellie Lee Land Patent 919637
- Rees Jenkins, SIlvay, Whitehead Land Patent 16034
- T25N R37E – road from Dixie Valley to Battle Mtn
- T25N R38E – Seven Devils Ranch
- T25N R39E Mc Coy
- T25N R39E: McCoy
- T26N R37E Old Man Canyon
- T26N R38E Seven Devils, Little Mc Coy
- T26N R40E Home Station
- T26N R41E
- T26N R42E
- T27N R38E – Paris Ranch
- T27N R39E – Indian Spring
- T27N R40E Jersey
- T27N R41E Daisy, Cow Creek, Cottonwood
- Harry Clark Land Patent 1024071
- Horace Sheldon, Hyatt, VanSlyke, Greeman Land Patent 747454
- Horace Sheldon, Jack, Lovelace, Morter Land Patent 774059
- Maty T Clark Land Patent 1035619
- Samuel R Clark Land Patent 1045917
- Shade Johnson Land Patent 1022999
- Steve Curutchary Land Patent 908517
- Steve Curutchary Land Patent 908518
- T27N R41E Daisy, Cow Creek, Cottonwood
- T27N R42E
- T28N R39E – Etchegoyhen, Allard ranch
- T28N R40E Jersey Summit/Esparza
- T28N R41E Mouth Of Daisy
- T28N R42E Gilman
- T29N R39E
- T29N R40E Buffalo Ranch, Anderson
- T29N R41E Big Meadow
- T29N R42E Electric Well
- T30N R40E Frank Helen
- T30N R41E Lost Windmill
- T30N R42E Picket Well
- T31N R40E Hoffman
- T31N R41E Cherry Creek
- T31N R42E Mill Well Windmill
- T32N R40E Top Spring
- T32N R41E near Smeltzers
- T32N R42E Mill Spring
- T33N R41E
- T33N R42E
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- Property: Ownership Detail
- Reference
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- Sitemap
- Summary of Water-based Cooperative Agreements
- T25N R40E
- T25N R40E – Home Station Gap
- T26N R39E Land Patent Summary
- T26N R39E McCoy
- T26N R39E Purpose Page 1
- T26N R39E Purpose Page 2
- T26N R39E Purpose Page 3
- T27N R37E – McKinney Pass
- T29N R39E – Cottonwood, Bushee creek
- T30N R39E – Coyote spring
- T31N R39E
- T32N R39E – Santa Fe Railroad
- Water
- Alkali Lake
- Alkali Lake and springs
- Beddo’s Well
- Bell Station – 0764
- Bell Station Well
- Big Creek
- Big McCoy Irrigation Well
- Blue Lead – 761, 1029
- Blue Lead Spring
- Boundary Windmill
- Boundary Windmill – 1220
- Bronco Spring
- Bronco Spring – 0282
- Buck Springs
- Buffalo Meadow Spring
- Buffalo Valley Hot Springs
- Buffalo Valley Springs
- Butcher Canyon Spring and Wash
- Butcher Springs 1-4
- Cedar SPring and No. 1 – No. 5
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Creek – 4709
- Cottonwood Creek
- Cow Creek
- Cow Creek Lower Trough – 782
- Cow Creek Pipeline – 0782
- Cow Creek Pipeline South – 4830
- Crested Wheatfield Well
- Crossing Spring
- Daisy Creek
- Dead Cow
- Deer Spring
- Dixie Valley Well
- Dixie Valley Windmill
- Electric Well
- Elk Springs
- Elk Springs – 4801
- Esparza Mine Wellheads
- Esparza Mine Wellheads (Road Spring)
- Fish Creek
- Flat Tire Spring
- Gilman Springs
- Golconda Spring
- Gravel Pit Spring
- Hillyer Creek
- Hydrographic Abstracts
- Indian Creek
- Indian Springs
- Jersey and Clark & Mendive Springs
- Jersey Hot Springs and Reservoir
- Jersey Summit Windmill
- Jersey Wash
- Lee Canyon Well
- Lost Well – 247
- Lost Windmill
- Mahogany Spring
- McCoy Domestic Well
- McCoy Domestic Well – new
- McCoy Irrigation Well
- McCoy Well
- Meadows Well – Well No 1
- Mike Spring
- Mill Creek
- Mud Spring
- Nancy Spring
- Nancy Spring
- North Boundary Windmill – North End Well
- North Indian Creek – North Creek
- Old Man Canyon Spring
- Ormat Wells
- Perry Canyon Creek
- Pickett Well
- Poor Farm Well
- Rock Creek
- Rock Creek
- Rocky Spring
- Salt Marsh Ditch
- Salt Marsh Hot Springs
- Saval Well #2 (Crested Wheatfield)
- South Fork Fish Creek
- Timber Creek
- Trenton Creek
- Water Based COOPs
- Water Locations
- Abel Spring
- Airport Well
- Alkali Spring
- Artesian Well
- Basin Spring
- Bathtub Pipeline
- Bathtub Spring
- Home Station Wash
- Mill Well Windmill
- Miller Creek – Spring Creek
- Sou Hot Springs – Seven Devils Springs
- South Branch Cow creek
- Summit Creek – Stevens Creek
- Tilting Trough
- Top Spring
- Willow Creek
- Wood Canyon Creek
- Water Rights
- Water Rights App 5778 Map